Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Fane Knight Skeryth Issyen

Sorry its taken so long to get this one up. Between the baby and a whole bunch of really average shifts at work, I just haven't had a lot of time :(

Continuing on the Retribution theme, we have the mighty Fane Knight. In game terms, he is awesome. Assuming something dies to your enemy (and they probably will) you have a MAT 8, P+S 17 weaponmaster, swordmaster with tall in the saddle and a massive charge range. Put him in your army!

I used the whole metallic painting thing outlined in the Discordia post earlier. The result was something I was quite happy with. I affectionately refer to him as my "peacock".

Anyway, until next time!




Tuesday, October 26, 2010


I got on to the elves at release. I wasn't too fussed on the look of the myrmidons, but the units really were gorgeous.

Most recently, I managed to grab myself one of the Discordia character 'jack kits that were on sale over GenCon (as well as Triumph and Scourge of Heresy). I've been playing around with color schemes a bit with my RoS force. I was never a fan of the white, but I had started off with a lot more purple than I do now. I am quite liking the single shoulderpad in color though, with the rest of the model in the turquise metal. I think it has grown on me as a nice, simple yet effective scheme and I can see me sticking with it for a bit. Skeryth Issyen is also the same and he turned out well. I'll get some photos of him up next time.

Discordia Front
Discordia Back

Friday, October 8, 2010


So I appear to be in a bit of a Khador painting thing at the moment....

Just had to get the Drakhun done. The red-ink method as outlined in the Khador Forces book is a bit of a time consuming thing to do, but it really is worth it. The 20-odd coats really do make the whole red just appear so much more vibrant and dark. I've decided I really am a fan of the look :)

Picked up all the plastic battleboxes this last week, as well. They are really nice and I thoroughly recommend them to anyone who may be interested. The detail on the casters in particular really is indistinguishable from the metals.

On another note, both my Khador Extremes are up on eBay, if'n you were interested.


Thursday, September 23, 2010


G'day all,

Sorry I haven't posted anything in a while. Its been a tad rough with juggling the new baby and all the rest of it.

I have been working hard on all four of my current factions (Cygnar, Retribution, Khador and Mercs), and I've been having fun picking out the "best" models to paint up and all :) I've just put the finishing touches on a Drakhun, and he was great to do up. I'll grab some pics of him when I have a chance.

Speaking of good models, I'm going to have to grab another faction, and go with the angry Voodoo Crocs that look to be coming out soon. Those guys look awesome! :)

For now, here is eHaley. I'll get some of my Trenchers and her army up over the coming weeks.




Saturday, August 21, 2010

Butcher 2010

The mighty Butcher of Khador.

So I started owning a Khador faction when I started seeing the extreme Juggernaughts and the only real warcaster they have worthy of running an extreme Juggernaught is the new Butcher sculpt! (or at least it seemed that way).

Only painted him up recently, but pretty happy with the turnout. I've started spending alot more time on faces, and I believe the result is showing through.


Friday, August 6, 2010

Destroyer Extreme

So I finally got around to finishing off the companion 'jack to my Juggernaught. All in all, I think the Destroyer actually came together a bit easier than the Juggie.

After a good deal of effort and time, I'm finally really happy with how my reds came together. I think the final count was 30-odd coats of watered down red ink to make all the purples and peaches come back to red. It shows, though , and I like it alot.

He doesn't get as much table time as my Juggie, just because he's not quite as versatile, but he does have pride of place on my painting shelves :)


Thursday, July 8, 2010


So a while ago I painted up and sold a Cygnar battlebox. I was pretty happy with how it all turned out, with a predominantly white look to complement the Cygnar blue, and have recently gotten back into Cygnar.

Stryker FrontIronclad FrontCygnar Battlegroup

I started off with Darius, as I've always liked the man in the machine-armour. One of the new Cyclones had to be in there as well as the eponymous Thunderhead. Unfortunately, my camera hasn't quite performed as I'd have liked with this last lot, and I'm still working on the whole miniature photography without a miniature lens thing :)


I also now have a full eHaley tiered list, but I'll pop that guy up here another day.

Monday, July 5, 2010

The Ortegas

So these guys are comission pieces. I was pretty happy with how they turned out. It doesn't show up in the photos so well, but the pants are all using the "Denim" ideas expanded on in FOW: Cygnar and it has quickly become one of my favourite color surfaces to use. When I borrow a good macro lens and can do my trenchers some justice, I'll pop them up on here - they have made liberal use of the denim stuff :)


Tuesday, June 8, 2010


So, like alot of people, when Malifaux launched, I was more or less compelled to go up and pick me up a bit.

Unfortunately, the game wasn't for me, but I've now painted up a bit and really really like the minis.

Marcus was alot of fun to paint- I hadn't done alot of "beast" type minis before this, and the POS lighting on Marcus himself was fun to try and get together. My last couple of tries didn't work out all that well.

I've since done more Malifaux up as comission work, so getting my eye in nicely for the fine detail on these guys.

The bases are woodchips covered in greenstuff.


Saturday, May 29, 2010

NQ #30

So I got an email from the editor of No Quarter today letting me know that giant Juggie made it in. Haven't seen the edition yet, but damned cool anyway :)

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


So with the release of the extreme Khador sculpts, I had absolutely no choice but to pick them up and start working on them. Consequently, I couldn't just sit them on my bench and never use them, so I've had to build an army around them as well :)

Just the giant juggie today, and what a giant he is! Its an awful lot of red to try and get depth on, but I think it was pulled off successfully. I used the same method advocated by PP - extreme highlights followed by somewhere around 20 coats of red ink, to bring it all back into line. The shoulder freehand was done similar to the guide in the NQ and I managed to fumble my way through the boiler freehand to a semblance of success.

In any case, love my big red beastie and, with him being so darned cheap, he makes it into every Khador list I have so far :) Now. I just need to get around to doing my Destroyer...

Juggernaught XtremeJuggernaught XtremeJuggernaught XtremeJuggernaught XtremeJuggernaught Xtreme

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


We all love a smattering of tough, blue, beer-guzzling giants in an army, and an entire army of them was just alot of fun.

Painting these guys taught me an awful lot and forced me to move my skills forward real fast. I went through a phase with my trolls where I wasn't actually shadowing anything - I was just building up the highlights from the darkest base colour I could pick. Quite time consuming, but I was fairly happy with the results. They led to a very natural, but subtle, effect across the whole thing.


As one would imagine, subletly started to drop by the wayside in the favour of more exaggerated highlights (and accordingly more obvious shadows). I experimented with a bit of inking and washing before settling down to a more usual technique, although mixed with a judicious amount of P3 Mixing Medium (that stuff is gold).


Don't have my trolls anymore - they weren't being played, they were finished being painted and it was time to clear out some room. I do miss them on occasion, and I've pretty well decided to stop selling stuff off in the future and just pick up another storage bag instead :)


Friday, April 30, 2010


So I started way back when with the crazy religious zealots that are Menoth. Oddly enough, they actually started with a bizzare blue-gray washed down with blue colour. I was pretty happy with nearly three years ago. Not so happy with it now...


Switched from there to the full white Menoth colour and just continued to develop skills'n all until I decided that I'd enough of Menoth so I sold 'em off. Probably culminated with the mighty Fire of Salvation and Epic Severius. Was pretty happy with them in the end. Funnily enough - now thinking of picking up another Menoth army. I'll decide when I have a good look at the new book.
