Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Nemo 2010

Yeah, I know. I suck. After making a grandiose claim that I would be posting more often as a new year resolution, I actually post less. I blame internet fail for this, but I suppose I can blame all I like :)

I figure I may as well kick things off with the Old Man of Cygnar. I have always been a bigger fan of Nemos fluff than I have of the old man himself. Then they released the 2010 sculpt and it said "WIN" all around. This is perhaps the nicest sculpt of any model I have ever seen. I love him and he loves me :)

If I actually have any readers, you've probably noted that I am a fan of the traditional paint schemes. I don't know why, I just like them. I have done a few of my own, and they do work where they come up, but blue Cygnar and red Khador just work! Nemo2010 is very much just a classic color scheme, but I'm very happy with how I pulled it off. I particularly like his eyebrows :)

Oh, as a side note, I am no longer using photobucket as a hosting service either. I'm too stingy to upgrade to a "pro" account, just so it will host a 600x800 image without resizing it and compressing the hell out of it. My photos should look a lot better now for being non-photobucketed.

