Friday, April 30, 2010


So I started way back when with the crazy religious zealots that are Menoth. Oddly enough, they actually started with a bizzare blue-gray washed down with blue colour. I was pretty happy with nearly three years ago. Not so happy with it now...


Switched from there to the full white Menoth colour and just continued to develop skills'n all until I decided that I'd enough of Menoth so I sold 'em off. Probably culminated with the mighty Fire of Salvation and Epic Severius. Was pretty happy with them in the end. Funnily enough - now thinking of picking up another Menoth army. I'll decide when I have a good look at the new book.


First off the block

Well, its time that I have finally gone and gotten myself a painting blog. Something I've been meaning to do for a while, but have finally gotten up the gumption to go and make a go of it.

In a nutshell, I've been playing games for about 3 years now, and got into the whole thing in the first place in order to be able to paint. Accordingly, I've done alot of painting. I started out on the Games Workshop bandwagon (don't we all) and lasted less than twelve months before switching over to Privateer Press and, most recently, some Malifaux figures. Particularly with regards to PP and Wyrd, they just have some gorgeous miniatures. The GW character units are, likewise, gorgeous.

Recently, I've decided to start offering painting services out and about. I don't discriminate between systems, but I do do very time-intesive jobs, so its probably best suited to the skirmish level stuff. If you're interested, drop me a line ( I price according to figures, and I'm always happy to sort something out with you. If I'm painting $100 or more, your minis will be posted back, registered, at no cost (international included).

Although I'm certainly going to be showcasing recent work, for now I've got a selection of some of my older stuff.

Cheers, and game on.
