Saturday, August 21, 2010

Butcher 2010

The mighty Butcher of Khador.

So I started owning a Khador faction when I started seeing the extreme Juggernaughts and the only real warcaster they have worthy of running an extreme Juggernaught is the new Butcher sculpt! (or at least it seemed that way).

Only painted him up recently, but pretty happy with the turnout. I've started spending alot more time on faces, and I believe the result is showing through.


Friday, August 6, 2010

Destroyer Extreme

So I finally got around to finishing off the companion 'jack to my Juggernaught. All in all, I think the Destroyer actually came together a bit easier than the Juggie.

After a good deal of effort and time, I'm finally really happy with how my reds came together. I think the final count was 30-odd coats of watered down red ink to make all the purples and peaches come back to red. It shows, though , and I like it alot.

He doesn't get as much table time as my Juggie, just because he's not quite as versatile, but he does have pride of place on my painting shelves :)
