Saturday, January 1, 2011

A New Year and a New Resolution

G'day all,

So its a new year and guess what? I still am having very little time to update this blog :( I know its not much of an excuse, but between work, baby and crappy internet connection (think: dial-up speed) I just haven't had a lot of time. I do, however, have a resolution to update more often! Lets see if I can manage it...

To start the year off, head over to a working blog I have towards the Australian January Conventions (CanCon, ArcanaCon and DogCon) over on WargamerAu. It is now a completely painted Tier4 eHaley army, with trench warfare table. There is a storm cover over now, so I kinda need to get off the computer, but hopefully I'll manage to update here with all the images when I get a chance.

Here's the link: Road to War