Saturday, December 17, 2011

Thrall update

Still a solid WIP (stupid Christmas lack-of-time), but coming along nicely.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Studio photo update!

Finally remembered to upload some of the skorne photos I took using a studio camera the other day. About time :)

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Skarre, queen of the broken coast

Also for the same job as the deathjack. Again, really happy with how the cryx is coming out. That's a good thing coz there is a lot of cryx to go!

Now that I found a new app that doesn't kill the photos so much you'll hopefully see more updates.

Deathjack on comission

I think the glow could have been a bit more thorough, but really happy with how it turned out.

A WIP shot is in there as well :)

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Sunday, October 16, 2011


Fairly happy with him so far! There are around 12 different textures in the grey skin and another 8 in the bronze, just trying to keep the leathery look. I'm pretty happy with the result though.

Let's see how the rest of it shows :)

Monday, October 10, 2011

Skorne time!

I've decided to actually play in a tournament at the end of November. I would *like* to use my brand new Skorne that was purchased last week, but I won't take em if they're not painted, so figured I had better get started.

My first to games were yesterday with Rasheth and Naaresh. Fatty was great fun, but I'm not sure he translates well to the 35pt level, so I'll start with a Naaresh list. He kicked butt in his game, so has earned a paintjob! 

I won't be doing the traditional Skorne red, but I'll let the colors develop without blatantly saying what I'm doing - that way if it doesn't work no-one has to know :)

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Extreme Warpwolf

Painted this guy a while ago, but figured now was a good time to display!

I actually like the model a *lot* more than it looks in all the photos. This is really quite a nice model and I think it captures the whole warpwolf essence real well. When I had my circle, I loved fielding him! :)

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Second strider

Just the beginnings of my base for the second guy. Complete with trenches :)

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Storm strider fin!

Wow those smiths require a surprising amount of painting!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Storm strider base

Finished (bar flock) the base for one of my shiny new storm striders. Still fairly happy with how it all turned out (practice vs theory:)) so onwards we go!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Storm Bringers!

So I picked up nq37 and immediately fell in love with the sheer volume of zappy!

Unfortunately, it does require an awful lot to be painted :) at this stage, there are 2 striders, a stormclad, stormblade UA & WA (not sure if I'll run them or the jack), black 13th and mechanics. I'll try remember to keep things updated :)

Saturday, August 20, 2011


Fin! Still waiting for the water to dry, but done :)

Monday, August 15, 2011


This is the guy that got me to re-buy into ret. I just think it is an awesome pose.

Obviously a wip. Tonight I'll get working on the rest of his coat and start making my way onto his armor.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Finished Destor mounts

Had a longer post, then the phone died so I lost it :)

Still to do? Matte varnish and work out how to do the riders without cork stands.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

WIP - Destors

It occurred to me today that I don't need to east and find the time to 'formally' photograph my models and pop them up after uploading. Work in progress shots are just as easy and can be done entirely from my phone! So here are my Destors and their Thane. At least, here are the horses. I love painted cav, but I'm not quite sure I love painting them...

Sunday, May 8, 2011


I have some piggies.

Short story: Really really wanted to paint up the Warpig and Lord Carver. Nothing else overly appealed to me, but I picked up an army to justify using them :) I have played probably 3 games and just can't quite bring myself to paint anything else at this point :)


Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Slow Grow Beasties and Infantry/Solos

Well, can't fit in all the images on one post :P (btw: click on the images to make them bigger)

Pureblood: Not quite happy with him. I just didn't get the blending done the way that I really wanted it done. He looks OK, but I could be happier.

Blackclad: Love this guys' cape. It is one of the most dynamic things I have seen in any model, ever.Wolves of Orboros: I have six of these guys painted now, but will be doing 10 + the UA for the 50pt.
There are also some shifting stones in the 25pt, but really, they just look like stones, so they don't make it in :P I have a painted Baldur, too, but I might drop him up another time.


Slow Grow League!

I"m running a slow-grow league around the newcastle game scene at the moment and figured this was an opportune time to start painting up my new Circle stuff. I picked up Circle recently in order to prepare for the new Hordes Battle-Engines,so it worked out really well for me.

At the moment, I have everything painted for our 25pt level bar an Argus.

Caster: Cassius

Wolf Lord Morraig (This guy has earned his points over so well after laying 17pts of damage on the Butcher before retreating and having Big B spend the rest of hte game chasing him through the forest:) )

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Nemo 2010

Yeah, I know. I suck. After making a grandiose claim that I would be posting more often as a new year resolution, I actually post less. I blame internet fail for this, but I suppose I can blame all I like :)

I figure I may as well kick things off with the Old Man of Cygnar. I have always been a bigger fan of Nemos fluff than I have of the old man himself. Then they released the 2010 sculpt and it said "WIN" all around. This is perhaps the nicest sculpt of any model I have ever seen. I love him and he loves me :)

If I actually have any readers, you've probably noted that I am a fan of the traditional paint schemes. I don't know why, I just like them. I have done a few of my own, and they do work where they come up, but blue Cygnar and red Khador just work! Nemo2010 is very much just a classic color scheme, but I'm very happy with how I pulled it off. I particularly like his eyebrows :)

Oh, as a side note, I am no longer using photobucket as a hosting service either. I'm too stingy to upgrade to a "pro" account, just so it will host a 600x800 image without resizing it and compressing the hell out of it. My photos should look a lot better now for being non-photobucketed.



Saturday, January 1, 2011

A New Year and a New Resolution

G'day all,

So its a new year and guess what? I still am having very little time to update this blog :( I know its not much of an excuse, but between work, baby and crappy internet connection (think: dial-up speed) I just haven't had a lot of time. I do, however, have a resolution to update more often! Lets see if I can manage it...

To start the year off, head over to a working blog I have towards the Australian January Conventions (CanCon, ArcanaCon and DogCon) over on WargamerAu. It is now a completely painted Tier4 eHaley army, with trench warfare table. There is a storm cover over now, so I kinda need to get off the computer, but hopefully I'll manage to update here with all the images when I get a chance.

Here's the link: Road to War