Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Slow Grow Beasties and Infantry/Solos

Well, can't fit in all the images on one post :P (btw: click on the images to make them bigger)

Pureblood: Not quite happy with him. I just didn't get the blending done the way that I really wanted it done. He looks OK, but I could be happier.

Blackclad: Love this guys' cape. It is one of the most dynamic things I have seen in any model, ever.Wolves of Orboros: I have six of these guys painted now, but will be doing 10 + the UA for the 50pt.
There are also some shifting stones in the 25pt, but really, they just look like stones, so they don't make it in :P I have a painted Baldur, too, but I might drop him up another time.


Slow Grow League!

I"m running a slow-grow league around the newcastle game scene at the moment and figured this was an opportune time to start painting up my new Circle stuff. I picked up Circle recently in order to prepare for the new Hordes Battle-Engines,so it worked out really well for me.

At the moment, I have everything painted for our 25pt level bar an Argus.

Caster: Cassius

Wolf Lord Morraig (This guy has earned his points over so well after laying 17pts of damage on the Butcher before retreating and having Big B spend the rest of hte game chasing him through the forest:) )