Thursday, February 9, 2012

Finished vessel of judgement

Wow did I finish this guy quick. I've pretty well pulled out every trick in my book short of to get it done. I would have liked to have spent more time on it, but my insane time commitments just didn't give me a chance and I wasn't able to assemble without painting.

Having said that, I'm actually pretty happy with it as an overall effect. What's more, it's actedas a test model for my Menoth scheme and it seems to have worked.

I'm intending to work on the basis that where technique fails, scale will prevail.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Vessel of judgement (WIP)

So I has a vessel now:-) that makes all the warmachine battle engines bar the gun carriage that I've worked on and I've loved them all. I can only imagine how cool the colossals will be!

by the way, I hate gold when dealing with this sort of volume. It's just such a hard colour to get right over such a large area...